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Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011 | 23.42 | 0 Comments

2011, Political Actors Mutual Will 'pounce'

"If the 2010 hostage and interlock with each other, more serious allegations in 2011, hot".

Sukardi Rinakit political observers expect the political situation in Indonesia will be hot in 2011. Political actors are no longer hostage to each other, but will begin to pounce on each other.

Sukardi Rinakit said that in discussions held Radio Trijaya with the theme "telescoped Indonesia 2011" in
Jakarta on Saturday, January 8, 2011.

"If the 2010 hostage and interlock with each other, more serious allegations in 2011, heat, and pouncing on each other. Like Tom and Jerry was," said Sukardi.

Sukardi rate, there are three actors who will play, namely the President, political parties and activists.

He added that the president will play an important role in order to quickly make decisions, and not held hostage to each other creating a climate that makes political actors pounce on each other.

"If the government remains slow, overly cautious, and pressed the party, and can not be anything, it would be dangerous," said Sukardi.

In addition, there are two conditions that will affect Indonesia's politics. First, is the objective condition, such as the nature that make commodity crops to fail. "Especially if you added a hasty policy such as raising the economic train ticket. The condition of the heat out of control," said Sukardi.

Second, an innate aspect of the case law associated with the party. "For example the case of Gaius, or Miranda. Each party will relate this to attack each other," said Sukardi. © 2010 Privacy Policy - Terms Of Use - Powered By SMK N 10 SMG E-mail :
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