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Minggu, 09 Januari 2011 | 00.10 | 0 Comments

Nazi Secret Documents: Dogs This is insulting Hitler

A dog growled Finland made the Nazi government. The owner became the target.

Something strange happened in the middle of World War II raged. When the United States (U.S.) joined the war after Pearl Harbor incident and Germany invaded the Soviet Union, in Berlin, the German Nazi government, led by Hitler made dizzy and emotion by a dog.

The newly released documents reveal the German government, Hitler's government was angry because the dog
'insolent' that could mimic the style of the Nazi greeting. Talent dog considered mocking the Fuhrer.

In an effort to revenge, Nazi officials began a campaign against the owner of the dog. Foreign Ministry in Berlin ordered their representatives in Finland to gather evidence about a dog named Jackie that, even plans to destroy the pharmaceutical business owner.

Jackie footnote on the previous success infuriated Hitler escaped the attention of historians - before finally 30 files containing correspondence and diplomatic wire found.

Author, Klaus Hillenbrand argues that examining this file, this incident is very strange. Just a few months before the Nazis launched an attack on the Soviet Union, they like do not have anything else to do, rather than obsessed with this dog, "he said, such as the loaded the Daily Mail, Friday, January 7, 2011.

Owner Jackie, is Tor Borg, a businessman from Tempere, Finland. His wife, Josefine is a German citizen of known anti-Nazi. He called his dog was 'Hitler' because the way he lifted his legs like a German soldier in Hitler salute.

On January 29, 1941, the German representative in Helsinski, writing, a witness who did not want to be named to see and hear the Borg's dog raised his leg when his employer shouting 'Hitler'.

Borg is investigated denied calling his dog by the name of Hitler, although it is often claimed to be his wife. According to Borg, it was only done a few times in 1933, shortly after Hitler came to power. The merchant insisted, had no intention to harass the German empire.

However, the defense does not necessarily accepted Borg Germany. German Economy Minister then announced that the German chemical company conglomerate, IG Farben, which supplies pharmaceuticals to the Borg, stopping cooperation.

However, insufficiency of evidence preclude this case entered the court.

Borg died in 1959 at the age of 60 years. Pharmaceutical trading company has now become the Tamro Group, a pharmaceutical wholesaler in the Nordic countries. Tamro Group spokesman, Margit Nieminen, claimed not to know the story. © 2010 Privacy Policy - Terms Of Use - Powered By SMK N 10 SMG E-mail :
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