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Minggu, 09 Januari 2011 | 20.31 | 0 Comments

Mbah Maridjan and Henry Can Award

Three members of the Henry family allowances received U.S. $ 1,000

            Mbah Maridjan, the locksmith who died in the Merapi eruption last October 26, 2010, received an award from the Shining World Hero Award from Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association. Journalists VIVAnews, Yuniawan Wahyu Nugroho, who died in the eruption that participated also received similar awards.

The award is given because of his might in an effort to rescue victims of the Merapi eruption. Mbah Maridjan epic earned a responsibility because she was adopting capable of
implementation. With his persistence, Mbah Maridjan assumed duties as caretaker. "In fact what is done by Mbah Maridjan surpass his job as a caretaker," said Udjang, Coordinator of the International Association of Supreme Master Yogyakarta branch.

Gifts for Henry received directly by the deceased's wife, Endang Saptaningsih or who familiarly called Naning, along with two daughters at his residence Ambarawa. In addition to receiving awards and plaques, international organizations provide U.S. $ 1,000 cash allowance for each family member where there are three members of the family.

"The award is given to Mas Wawa for heroic acts that deserve to be imitated," said Udjang. "With a heart-owned firm and a sense of humanity that is so strong then this attitude enviable to all mankind. Moreover, the attitude taken by this Wawa Diamond today is extremely rare or endangered, "said Udjang to VIVAnews, Sunday, January 9, 2011.

Explained Udjang, Supreme Master Ching Hai organization is an association that aggressively voicing vegetarian lifestyle and the impact of global warming. "Some world leaders have also recognized by our organization, among them Al Gore that we consider to be heroes for a viable business with around the world to voice their global warming impact," he said.

In addition, there are also Sutiyoso who first published the ban on smoking in public places. "Those who we give awards to be figures who inspire and be emulated," said Ujang.

Meanwhile Endang Saptaningsih, wife of Henry admitted, somewhat surprised by the award given to her husband. "Yesterday when there is delegation of Supreme Master Ching Hai, I was surprised. Because of this international tarafnya, many world leaders who ever mendapatkanya. Especially when viewed from the efforts of my husband is indeed seem to have become liabilities of us, to help each other, "he said humbly. © 2010 Privacy Policy - Terms Of Use - Powered By SMK N 10 SMG E-mail :
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